I was shopping for some stuff on WalMart.com and SamsClub.com today and saw something interesting.  There’s not much to write about, but I do have some questions.

  • Are they stupid?
  • Do they think their customers are stupid?
  • Is it a combination of the above or something else?

Here are some snapshots of their web sites.  First, the Wal-Mart example that initially caused me to ask the above questions.  Notice what they have noted as “BEST VALUE”.  No, it’s not.  I don’t even need their price per ounce to tell me it’s not a better value.  I can calculate that in my head just looking at the prices.  Perhaps the “Single” item being out of stock is the impetus for the “BEST VALUE” label.  If that’s the case, they should change it to “Only Choice” instead.  But that brings up another question.  If they have 2 cans, it means they have a least two single cans, so how can they be out of stock of one can if they have two?  Are the cans welded together?  No, they’re not.  I can testify to this as I’ve ordered it in the past and received two individual cans.  This means they could sell a single can.

Next is from Sam’s Club.  They claim “Free Shipping”.  No, no, no, and no.  The price of the item if shipped is more than if one picks it up in person at a club store.  Math clearly demonstrates a customer is charged for shipping.  If they want to charge something for shipping, that’s fine, but don’t claim “Free Shipping”.  The best lessons Sam’s Club can take from this is 1) Stop marking items as “Free Shipping” if it isn’t and 2) Don’t tell a lie that a 6 year old could figure out wasn’t true.


Categories: Thoughts